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Ransomware-Monitor: Who's hacked?

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Verschaffe dir einen Überblick über das aktuelle Ransomware-Geschehen und verfolge, welche Unternehmen und Branchen derzeit im Fokus der Cyberkriminellen stehen.

Aktuell verfolgen wir im Ransomware-Monitor über 190 Ransomware-Gruppen. Die Angaben und Daten zu den kompromittierten Unternehmen, Organisationen und Institutionen werden öffentlich zugänglich von den Ransomware-Gruppen im Darknet publiziert bzw. gepostet.

Die letzten 100 Posts, die von Ransomware-Gruppen veröffentlicht wurden

Datum Opfer Gruppe
2025-01-13, 21:42:50candelasyasociados.eslockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:49atpformosa.gob.arlockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:47viacaojacarei.com.brlockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:46gelco-s-a.com.brlockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:45nicatel.com.uylockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:43lamejor.com.colockbit3
2025-01-13, 21:42:38SERGAS Grouplynx
2025-01-13, 21:42:37Browdy (bl.local)lynx
2025-01-13, 21:42:36PHG CPAs (bushman.biz)lynx
2025-01-13, 21:42:35Nash Brothers Construction (nashdom.local)lynx
2025-01-13, 20:42:05Novati Constructionslynx
2025-01-13, 20:42:04Conad (conad.lan)lynx
2025-01-13, 19:47:15PT PINS Indonesiadragonforce
2025-01-13, 19:46:01Cogitisdragonforce
2025-01-13, 19:43:42healthcarewithinreach.orgransomhub
2025-01-13, 19:43:26Delap & Wallerlynx
2025-01-13, 17:41:32Funksec 2.0funksec
2025-01-13, 16:43:10kuzstu-nf.rufunksec
2025-01-13, 15:35:04DURAYDUNCAN.COMclop
2025-01-13, 15:35:03EKOMERCIO.COMclop
2025-01-13, 15:35:01WSINC.COMclop
2025-01-13, 15:34:57equitiesnagain.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:56scps.mp.gov.infunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:55deportesapalategui.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:54technotouch.cofunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:53gsw.co.infunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:52ribernuez.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:51bayan-ulgii.cfga.gov.mnfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:50senergy.netfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:49ndceg.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:48seocommarrakech.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:47mindev.gov.grfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:46carc.gov.jofunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:45wissenhive.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:44linxe.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:43zapopan.gob.mxfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:42portal.checkpoint.comfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:41mymobileforms appfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:40cms.therecord.mediafunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:39Behind funksecfunksec
2025-01-13, 15:34:38Check Updatesfunksec
2025-01-13, 14:41:08mi.eduransomhub
2025-01-13, 13:39:49telering.delockbit3
2025-01-13, 09:41:52adveo.com$740.7MFrance1.1TB100% DISCLOSEDcactus
2025-01-11, 21:45:44schuff.comblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:42granbyindustries.comblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:41plasmatherm.comblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:40arunestates.co.ukblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:39brachot.comblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:38avril.cablackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:37migonline.comblackbasta
2025-01-11, 21:45:36bnext.nlblackbasta
2025-01-11, 17:42:56Jim Thompsonlynx
2025-01-11, 17:42:54Astaphanslynx
2025-01-11, 13:43:53RocSearchhunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:52Barber Specialtieshunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:51Patriarche Office of Architecturehunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:50Unisource Information Serviceshunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:49Costexhunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:48T. Hasegawa USAhunters
2025-01-11, 13:43:47COROBhunters
2025-01-11, 12:41:13cityofwesthaven.comqilin
2025-01-11, 12:41:12pleasantsconstruction.comqilin
2025-01-11, 09:43:11massdevelopment.com$24.6MUSA1.2TB100% DISCLOSEDcactus
2025-01-11, 09:43:10ptcky.com$5MUSA902GB100% DISCLOSEDcactus
2025-01-11, 08:52:44U...C...leakeddata
2025-01-11, 08:52:42www.leaguecenter.orgransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:40www.temotekstil.com.trransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:39www.excelresourcing.co.ukransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:38www.mie.com.myransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:37www.rotaryeng.co.thransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:35www.primalwear.comransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:34www.fairhallzhang.comransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:33xtremmedia.comransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:32amerplumb.comransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:31www.wisesocon.comransomhub
2025-01-11, 08:52:29Evidneverest
2025-01-11, 08:52:28Protected: Title Hiddeneverest
2025-01-11, 08:52:22Peikkoakira
2025-01-11, 08:52:21Ichikawa North America Corporationakira
2025-01-11, 08:52:20Thomas J. Henry Lawakira
2025-01-11, 08:52:19Capesespakira
2025-01-11, 08:52:18Metalmatrix Clampsakira
2025-01-11, 08:52:16OmniRide (omniride.com)fog
2025-01-11, 08:52:15Sheyenne Tooling & Manufacturingsarcoma
2025-01-11, 08:52:14evasair.comel dorado
2025-01-11, 08:52:12Qualinetrhysida
2025-01-09, 21:41:26depewgillen.cominc ransom
2025-01-09, 20:41:42castlehillha.co.ukransomhub
2025-01-09, 20:41:40drive-lines.comransomhub
2025-01-09, 17:41:38S...M...leakeddata
2025-01-09, 17:41:20azpay.me | SOLDeraleign (apt73)
2025-01-09, 16:40:29pnp.co.zaeraleign (apt73)
2025-01-09, 15:41:02alansarioman.comembargo
2025-01-09, 14:42:10Myhealthcarebilling Data Leakeverest
2025-01-09, 14:42:09Sarah Car Care Data Leakeverest
2025-01-09, 14:42:08Izmocars Data Leakeverest
2025-01-09, 14:42:07CO-VER Power Technology SpA Data Leakeverest
2025-01-09, 14:41:50Northern Lights Electricakira
2025-01-09, 13:41:00Chain And Rope Suppliers LTDakira

Die letzten 100 Cyberangriffe, die in der Presse publik gemacht wurden:

Datum Land Opfer Link zum Artikel (Quelle)
2025-01-12NLDTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU Eindhoven)Dag geen onderwijs op TU Eindhoven vanwege cyberaanval
2025-01-08BRAPrefeitura de SarapuíPrefeitura de Sarapuí sofre ataque cibernético; veja quais serviços foram comprometidos | Itapetininga e Região | G1
2025-01-08SVKOffice of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic (UGKK)Slovakia Hit by Historic Cyber-Attack on Land Registry - Infosecurity Magazine
2025-01-07USALaramie County Library SystemLaramie County library system targeted by ransomware attack
2025-01-07CANNew Brunswick Liquor CorporationPotential cyberattack shuts down NB Liquor stores
2025-01-07USAAddison Northwest School District (ANWSD)ANWSD shuts down computers after cyberattack - Addison Independent
2025-01-05CANUpper Canada District School Board (UCDSB)Network Distruption - Upper Canada District School Board
2025-01-05USASouth Portland Public SchoolsCybersecurity issues impact 2 Maine public school districts
2025-01-03CANLa Police de KingstonUn corps policier ontarien victime d’une cyberattaque | Radio-Canada
2024-12-30INDThomas Cook India LtdThomas Cook shuts systems after cyber attack takes down IT infrastructure; probe underway | Company Business News
2024-12-29FINPeikkoHöringhäuser Peikko-Werk war Opfer von Hacker-Angriff
2024-12-28USAPowerSchoolPowerSchool hack exposes student, teacher data from K-12 districts
2024-12-27DEUFraunhofer IAOGolem.de: IT-News für Profis
2024-12-27SGPVallianz Holdings LimitedCYBERSECURITY INCIDENT
2024-12-27USACommunity Health Northwest Florida (CHNWFL)Community Health Northwest Florida targeted in cyber attack
2024-12-26USAWinston-SalemNo timeline for service restoration after Winston-Salem cyber attack
2024-12-24BRAMairie de GuararemaRefazer Protocolos Digitais: Prefeitura de Guararema em Alerta Após Ataque Cibernético
2024-12-24SENBanque de l'Habitat du SénégalBanque de l’Habitat du Sénégal : Une attaque informatique paralyse ses services
2024-12-22JPNNikki-Universal Co. Ltd.Nikki-Universal Cyber Attack - Hackers Claim 761.8 GB of Data Stolen
2024-12-19USAPittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT)Internet outage that delayed T rail cars was related to ransomware attack, PRT says - WPXI
2024-12-18TCATurks and Caicos Islands GovernmentTCIG information held for Ransom; Opposition Leader wants firewalls, cyber insurance and a full debriefing - Magnetic Media
2024-12-18ECUFondo GenesisMetLife claimed by RansomHub, insurance giant says 'no incident' | Cybernews
2024-12-18USAChristopher Newport UniversityNames, emails, IDs exposed in Christopher Newport University cyberattack
2024-12-17NGANational Bureau of Statistics (NBS)NBS Website Remains Down for Three Weeks Following Cyber Attack - TV360 Nigeria
2024-12-15FRAArsoé de SoualCyber-attaque : ARSOE - Chambre d'agriculture Ariège
2024-12-12USATaylor Regional HospitalTaylor Regional Hospital in Hawkinsville hit by cyberattack | 13wmaz.com
2024-12-11FINVincitCyber attack hits Valio, putting data of 5,000 at risk | Yle News | Yle
2024-12-11CANAvrilLa chaîne Avril victime d’une cyberattaque
2024-12-09INDMulti Commodity ExchangeExclusive: Indian brokerages hit by ransomware amid rising cybersecurity threats | Fortune India
2024-12-09USAWood CountyRansomware attack cripples Wood County computer systems | The Blade
2024-12-09AUSMuswellbrook Shire CouncilLocal council victim to a cyber attack - 98.1 Power FM
2024-12-08FRAEcritelRansomware : Ecritel victime d’une cyberattaque impliquant Hunters International | LeMagIT
2024-12-08CHLFundación Arturo López Pérez (FALP)
2024-12-08GBRSocietatea Energetica Electrica S.A.London Stock Exchange | London Stock Exchange
2024-12-07CHEVidymedCybercriminalité: Le groupe Vidymed touché par une cyberattaque | blue News
2024-12-06NZLCompass CommunicationsExclusive: Kiwi telco Compass Communications confirms ransomware attack - Cyber Daily
2024-12-04CANFournisseur de services responsable de la collecte des amendes en retard au ManitobaCyberattack hits 3rd-party service provider that collects court fines: Manitoba Justice | CBC News
2024-12-02USAMarietta City Schools‘Unauthorized access:’ Marietta City Schools confirms hackers tried breaking into computer system - WSB-TV Channel 2 - Atlanta
2024-12-02USAITO EN (North America) INC.弊社グループ会社におけるランサムウェア被害の発生について | 伊藤園 企業情報サイト
2024-12-02USAWayne-Westland Community SchoolsWayne-Westland Community Schools bouncing back after cyberattack
2024-12-02CANPembina Trails School DivisionPembina Trails School Division dealing with 'cyber security incident' | CTV News
2024-12-01DEUKlinikum IngolstadtHackerangriff auf Klinikum Ingolstadt - LKA ermittelt | BR24
2024-12-01USAPIH HealthRansomware virus attack on PIH Health leads to network shutdown for hospitals in Downey, LA, Whittier - Whittier Daily News
2024-11-30USAWatsonville Community HospitalWatsonville hospital faces prolonged computer outage
2024-11-30DEUUniversité de PotsdamHPI und drei weitere Institute betroffen : Uni Potsdam bleibt nach vermeintlichem Hacker-Angriff offline
2024-11-29USAKrispy Kreme, Inc.dnut-20241211
2024-11-29USAKurita America Inc.Regarding Security Incident at an Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary | News | Kurita Water Industries | Kurita Group
2024-11-27IDNFuji Electric Indonesia (FEID)Fuji Electric Indonesia Hit By Ransomware Attack, Business Information Compromised
2024-11-27GRCFourlis GroupFourlis Group hit by cyberattack that crippled online store operation | eKathimerini.com
2024-11-27CHLDefensoría Penal Pública“Perpetrado por desconocidos”: Defensoría Penal Pública confirma ataque informático | ADN Radio
2024-11-27DEUMedion AGCYBERANGRIFF: Medion seit Tagen von IT-Störung geplagt
2024-11-27CRIRecopeRecope confirma ataque cibernético a sus sistemas pero garantiza suministro de combustible
2024-11-27USAHobokenHoboken City Hall Gets Hacked With Ransomware, They Say | Hoboken, NJ Patch
2024-11-26USACity of NoblesvilleDocument Center / City of Noblesville Statement on Security Incident / Noblesville, Indiana
2024-11-26CANNew Westminster School DistrictNew Westminster school district hit by cyber security attack - New West Record
2024-11-26GBRAlder Hey Children's NHS Foundation TrustStatement about reports of a data breach at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
2024-11-26PAKDewan Farooque Motors Limited (DFML)Servers crash, data corrupted as cyber-attack hits Dewan Farooque Motors Limited - Business & Finance - Business Recorder
2024-11-25USARutherford County SchoolsTBI investigators assist Rutherford County Schools with network issue
2024-11-25USAENGlobal Corporationeng_8k.htm
2024-11-25DEUHofer ÄrztezentrumEppenreuther Straße: Cyberangriff auf Hofer Ärztezentrum - Hof - Frankenpost
2024-11-25GBRArrowe Park Hospital'Major incident' declared at Merseyside hospital after 'cyber security' issue - Liverpool Echo
2024-11-21USAArtivion, Inc.aort-20241209
2024-11-21USABlue YonderSoftware company providing services to US and UK grocery stores says it was hit by ransomware attack
2024-11-20USAOdessaThe City of Odessa experiences a cyber incident
2024-11-19CRIDGME du Costa RicaMigración de Costa Rica suspende su web tras ataque cibernético
2024-11-19USAMinneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB)Minneapolis Park Board cyberattacked, phone lines down, says MPRB | kare11.com
2024-11-19PRTUniversity of Algarve (UAlg)University of Algarve hit by cyberattack - Portugal Resident
2024-11-18FRALe SafedDordogne : un service d’aide aux personnes en difficulté subit une attaque informatique
2024-11-18CANArrondissement de Montréal-NordUne panne informatique paralyse Montréal-Nord | La Presse
2024-11-18ITAINPS ServiziINPS Servizi colpita da un Ransomware riporta QuAS. Ma il silenzio è assordante!
2024-11-18FRAChambre d'agriculture de la LozèreLa Chambre d'agriculture de la Lozère touchée par une cyberattaque - France Bleu
2024-11-17BFASOFITEXBurkina Faso : Le système informatique de la SOFITEX attaqué (Communiqué) - 24heures
2024-11-17USAInternational Game Technology (IGT)IGT Confirms Cybersecurity Incident, Launches Investigation
2024-11-17DEUBergen auf RügenHackerangriff auf das Amt Bergen auf Rügen: Cyberkriminelle legen Systeme lahm
2024-11-15MNEInstitut statistique du Montenegro(MONSTAT)MONSTAT data accessed in hack - CdM
2024-11-15USAJefferson Dental CenterSouth Bend dentist office notifies patients of data breach
2024-11-15ITASnattSnatt, attacco hacker e sistemi in tilt. Cassa per cinquecento lavoratori
2024-11-14DEUVosskoCyberattacke auf Firma Vossko in Ostbevern | Die Glocke
2024-11-13USAYouth Eastside ServicesYouth Eastside Services Sends Out Data Breach Letters Following November Cyberattack | Console and Associates, P.C. - JDSupra
2024-11-13CANLKQ CorporationAuto parts giant LKQ says cyberattack disrupted Canadian business unit
2024-11-13REUDépartement de la RéunionLe Département victime d’une cyberattaque mercredi : "fuite de données limitée" - LINFO.re
2024-11-13DEUAschaffenburgKriminalität: Hackerangriff auf Stadt Aschaffenburg | STERN.de
2024-11-13CANCégep de Sorel-TracyLe Cégep de Sorel-Tracy confirme avoir été la cible d’une cyberattaque
2024-11-13CANAlberta InnovatesInvestigation underway after Alberta Crown corporation hit by cyberattack
2024-11-09JPNSogo当社ファイルサーバーへの不正アクセスについて | リフォーム商材、住宅設備商社の株式会社ソーゴー
2024-11-09GBRNational Museum of the Royal NavyNational Museum of the Royal Navy hit by cyber attack - Museums Association
2024-11-09DEULebenshilfe HeinsbergDatenleck bei Maschinen-Handelsseite ibz-handelswelt.de; Lebenshilfe Heinsberg mit ProblemenBorns IT- und Windows-Blog
2024-11-09USASouthern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center (SOVSC)Cyber attack halts some local animal hospital operations | Top Stories | kdrv.com
2024-11-09DEUBerufsförderungswerk OberhausenCyber-Angriff auf Dienstleister: Server abgeschaltet
2024-11-09USASheboyganCity of Sheboygan dealing with cyberattack, ransom demanded
2024-11-07USAAhold DelhaizeAhold Delhaize in VS doelwit van cyberaanval - RetailTrends
2024-11-07FRADépartement des Hautes-PyrénéesUne cyberattaque paralyse la messagerie du Département des Hautes-Pyrénées depuis jeudi matin - ladepeche.fr
2024-11-05USARidgewood SchoolsPasswords Compromised In Ridgewood Schools Cyber Attack, Superintendent Says | Ridgewood Daily Voice
2024-11-05USAWexford CountyMSP and FBI investigate malware attack in Wexford County - 9&10 News
2024-11-05BRALojas MarisaLojas Marisa sofre ataque cibernético e avalia extensão do incidente Por Reuters
2024-11-04USASRP Federal Credit UnionSouth Carolina credit union says 240,000 impacted by recent cyberattack | The Record from Recorded Future News
2024-11-04ITAAvis de TorinoSAN FRANCESCO AL CAMPO - Avis: appello urgente ai prenotati per la donazione del 17 novembre
2024-11-03AUSMicon Office NationalExclusive: Wollongong-based Micon Office National confirms ransomware attack - Cyber Daily
2024-11-03FRALa Sauvegarde"Les pirates ont demandé une rançon" : l’association lot-et-garonnaise la Sauvegarde victime d’une cyberattaque - ladepeche.fr

Quellen: RansomLook.io, Ransomware.live